Library Card Sign Up Month 2024

September is Library Card Sign-Up Month! During this time, public libraries, news stations, and social media come together to spotlight the incredible benefits libraries bring to their communities. The ALA provides signs and social media resources to help us promote this initiative. At my library, I love adding a touch of flair to celebrate both the ALA's efforts and the special connection we build with our guests.

This year we are decorating a bulletin board and the front of our reference desk. The bulletin board will be enlarged images from ALA's marketing materials. You can see it below.

For the reference desk, I'm featuring Optimus Prime surrounded by some of his quotes, adapted slightly to relate to libraries. I've tried to keep the essence of his words intact, with only minor changes. 

Front of REF desk

Bulletin Board

Finally, I assisted a coworker in setting up a display for grab bag DVDs. The idea behind this display is to highlight that the library has something for everyone and that you can discover a lot just by borrowing items. My coworker came up with the categories and selected 2 DVDs for each, while I contributed by creating doodles for the display. It took us about two hours to complete the setup. I would highly recommend doing something like this if you're looking for ideas! The sign reads, "September is Library Card Sign-Up Month! Celebrate all we have to offer with a themed DVD grab bag!"



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