Vision Boards

What is this event?

Vision boards have become popular over the past few years and are surprisingly easy to do at the library. This event aimed to have guests have a living vision board after 2 hours. They might not be done with it but they can continue to work on it as things change in their lives. I was able to find a local person who loves to teach people about vision boards. However, you do not need a presenter to do this event.

Description for January:
New Year, new you? But how do you transform yourself? Create that new you this year with a vision board! Come prepared with goals, a working plan, and ready to strategize. We will be writing, visualizing, and wondering what happens next when we achieve those goals!

All supplies are provided. 

Description for other months:
It's never too late to make a change in your life. But how can you transform yourself? Create a new you starting now with a vision board! Come prepared with goals and be ready to strategize. We will write, visualize, and wonder what happens next when we achieve those goals! 

If you already have a vision board, you can use this time to edit it to reflect your changing goals or just add more fun stickers.

All supplies are provided. 

What I did to prepare
Since I had a presenter, I only needed to provide some magazines, scissors, writing utensils, and glue sticks. The presenter brought poster boards, washi tape, and tons of fun stickers. I included a link to some washi tape that's affordable if you're doing this yourself. You can get poster boards at Dollar Tree for very cheap. 

Set Up
I had a few tables at the front of the room for supplies. The rest were set up like a classroom. 

I loved this event. It was easy for me since I had someone presenting but anyone could do this with a little prep. The meat of this event was giving people the time to think about what they wanted to do over the next year.


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