Rock Painting

What is this event?
I was approached by a girl scout who wanted to make a kindness rock garden to get her bronze metal. I was able to get approval for them to install it at the front of our library. We also wanted to do a rock painting event to tie everything together. 

Join Madelyn from Troop 5178 to paint kindness rocks for our new rock garden at the library! All kindness rocks made during this event will be added to the rock garden after they dry. We'll provide the supplies, you bring the kindness.

What I did to prepare
The rock garden was fairly easy to get approved by our branch manager. Madelyn and her mom came by the library to talk to me about details and where they would put it. It was great to see her mind working as she tried to find the best solution to problems. Once I got the okay with the location and sign they designed, we were able to pick a day to do the rock painting event that also announced the new rock garden. I was able to purchase rocks and acrylic sealer for this event. We already had paint supplies. I had about 60 rocks and they were all painted by the end. 

Set Up
The event was just like a regular craft program for us. Madelyn also provided paint pens and did the opening speech to welcome everyone. There was great attendance since many family members were invited. 

The set up of the actual garden was all them. They showed up when school was out for the day and added the bed you see below. They designed, printed, and installed the sign. It looks really great and I've seen guests stop to read it and actually take rocks!

Reach out to the Girl Scouts! They only came to me to set up a garden but they were thrilled when I offered to do an event with them as well. Madelyn wants to come back during Kindness Week for the next 5 years to make more rocks. The only issue I had was that they wanted a quick turnaround for the event which was difficult since I had to work around other events and order supplies. If you do reach out to a troop, be sure to let them know how much time you need to plan an event.

She the Instagram post my system made about this here.


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