Children Reading to Dogs

What is Children Reading to Dogs?

This is an event where kids can read to a certified theapry dog. This helps kids to think that reading is fun and works on their self-confidence.

Descrption: Want to be a more confident reader? Build "pawsitive" self-esteem and improve your reading skills while reading aloud to certified therapy dogs at the library. 

This program is intended for children learning to read and practicing reading aloud.

What I did to prepare

The biggest hurdle I have had with this program is getting the dog teams. My library system requires the dog and handler to go through a short interview process where we can see their therapy dog certification and insurance. Due to the pandemic a few years ago, dogs where not getting trained. The system as a whole has been putting out calls for dog teams for at least 2 years at this point. Now I have 3 dog teams where my events are their first experiences. They have all been great and have come from good orgiazations.

I started with only 2 dogs and had far too many kids for everyone to get a chance to read in the hour I had the room. I also believe that the excitment of having dogs in the library slowed everything down the first few events we had. Once I got the 3rd team, things went more smoothly. 

Other items that I gather for each event are books with varius reading levels, coloring sheets, sign-in page, and number counters that kids use to know when it's their turn. 

Promoting this event has been fairly easy. I put up a few signs in the library and got the events put in the public calendars that guests can take home. The dogs have done the rest. 

Set Up

I have two tables in the front of the room where I have kids sign-in, grab a number from me, get coloring sheets and colors, and grab a book if they didn't bring their own. I give the kids numbers like a ticket to know where they are in line for a dog. After the read once they can get back in line to read again. These numbers are shapried on small bits of paper. I always have kids throwing them away so I have to remake them for each event. That takes me about 1 mintue. 

I arrange the books by reading level where the beginner readers are on the left and more advanced readers are on the right. I have 4 to 6 tables set up in the center of the room for people to color and wait for their turn. My library also has cushions that I put out for people to sit right by the dog. 


We love this event! It's fairly easy for me to put together and the kids love it.

I had one child bring in a book that they wrote and illistrated to read to her favoitie dog! 


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