Monthly Wrap Up for February 2025
February was a very busy month! The biggest news? I moved to a new place! I’m excited to settle in and start making it feel like home. With all the packing and unpacking, I didn’t have as much time to read, and I even returned all my library books ahead of the move just to make sure none of them got lost. I still have lots of unpacking to do but I’m finally getting back into my TBR with a few audiobooks. So, let’s take a look at what I managed to read this month! February TBR Revisited This is my list from last month. The Reckoning by Caroline Peckham Love in Focus, Vol. 1 by Yoko Nogiri Cat + Gamer, Vol. 5 by Wataru Nadatani Toilet-bound Hanako-kun, Vol. 4 by Aidalro I read 2 of these books! Not too bad, all things considered. Reading Stats Books Read in January 2025 Set Fire to the Gods by Kristen Simmons and Sara Raasch ★★★★ ☆ Abstract: A gladiator that controls fire and a boy with a forbidden power have to kill their unkillab...